Saturday, 24 January 2015

Practice Dharma for Enlightenment | Übe Dharma für die Erleuchtung Aus

"If you're practising Dharma, you practise it for enlightenment. Not for rights, not for freedom, not for justice, not for healing, not for getting better in a worldly way."

"Wenn du Dharma ausübst, übst du es für Erleuchtung aus. Nicht für Rechte, nicht für Freiheit, nicht für Gerechtigkeit, nicht für Heilung, nicht um sich auf einer weltlichen Art und Weise zu verbessern."

~ Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

(Source|Quelle: Gems of Wisdom from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Facebook
Transl.|Übers.: Nicolas von Kospoth)

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I don't support this view, as I am convinced that it contradicts the principle of believing in and honouring the Sangha, as well as various teachings of Buddha himself. Further, improvements within the worldly sphere are a logical consequence of following the path towards and reaching enlightenment. Finally, why would a Bodhisattva strive to help others in reaching enlightenment? All human relations are of worldly nature. Thus, our interest in others and in their reaching enlightenment is worldly.
